Server Status


Update V.10.4

  1. - Added two new NPC's. Capable of selling uneeded tools and armor!
  2. - Changed Spawn placement to rules and info room.
  3. - Will not be accepting any mods or admins at this time. Any requests will be declined.

Update V.10.3

  1. - Added Concrete and Terracotta mines for Admin and Owner ranks
  2. - Added Mending on weak but strong pickaxes like Dr. EX Pickaxe

Update V.10.2

  1. - Added a special Mob farm for Donator like ranks
  2. - Added the "MobGen" warp to Donator, Youtuber, Mob, Admin, VIP, VIP+, UltraVIP, Outrageous, and Owner

Update V.10.1

  1. - Set worth to more items
  2. - Removed the ability to sell tools and weapons.
  3. - Now accepting the ability to improve tools and weapons
    by asking permission to with any enchanted books.[Must have the enchanted
    book to confirm.]
  4. - Added the ability for players, to be able to see what Zenchantments
    are capable of doing by /ench info.
  5. Please note that tools and weapons from the shop, may glitch out if attempting to add enchantments through a anvil. You can prevent this by asking me the owner for permission, for me to add the enchantment needed. This is totally free! This bug may be fixed or a plugin may be added to make this process simpler.

Update V.10.0

  1. - Added a animated scoreboard system
  2. - Changed Server website address
  3. - Added New Server hosting advertisement website
  4. - Added new player permissions;
    1. /enderchest
    2. /feed and /heal for High Donator Rank Players